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Actual Budget - Your Finances



檔案大小:35.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Actual Budget - Your Finances(圖1)-速報App

Actual is a new system for tracking your finances easily. It provides a budgeting system based on "envelope budgeting," a proven method for managing your spending. You can also track all of your finances, including investment accounts, in one place.



Actual Budget - Your Finances(圖2)-速報App

Your data is not stored in the cloud. It can never be analyzed, mined for data, or sold to a third party. It is always stored locally on your device and we don't have access to it. Your privacy is a huge priority.


If you use the desktop app, copy your budget and take it with you. Simply connect your devices and it'll copy it so you can look at it while you're out. Update by simply copying again ― the process is quick and seamless.

Actual Budget - Your Finances(圖3)-速報App


Actual provides a powerful method for budgeting that makes it easy to see your spending. The idea is you treat categories as funds that money is distributed into, and categorizing transactions pulls money out of a category. If you have a positive balance in a category, you know you have cash to spend. You also have to make up for overspending.

This means your budget is always based on real data; there's no made up numbers. You can't cheat it ― your expenses and income must be reconciled in way that makes sense with your budget. It also makes it obvious when something is wrong and gives guidance for how to fix it.

Actual Budget - Your Finances(圖4)-速報App

The ease and accuracy of this system give you peace of mind when it comes to your finances.


Create accounts off the budget to track anything that doesn't make sense in the budget. These can be investments, mortgages, or anything else. Get a complete financial picture in a single place.

Actual Budget - Your Finances(圖5)-速報App


Quickly add or edit transactions with a streamlined user interface. Categorizing transactions shouldn't feel like a burden.

We also provide a desktop app! Learn more at https://actualbudget.com

Actual Budget - Your Finances(圖6)-速報App
